Catch Up Baby Tomato

It's been 6 months since I last put something here on this silly thing. I really should try harder. But really, It's been a little nuts, I promise. My last post was about our budget. I am so thankful the the Lord worked all that out before the next few months transpired because He knows that it wouldn't have happened in those days.

So I'll give a quick play by play from December to about March.

December - After B finished finals at Willamette and the rush of Christmas day at the bakery (I was working at Great Harvest) was over we rushed up to Portland and flew into Anchorage to make it home just in time for Christmas Eve dinner. The next day we went to chruch saw friends who we hadn't seen in a while and made dates for coffee and so on. A day later B goes to lunch with a friend who offers him a job that will not only build his career/resume but it's also something he likes to do and believes matters for future technological development. WHAT! Job?! Yep. So we prayed and prayed some more and decided that we wouldn't miss it for the world. So here we are in Alaska.

January - Moving Back to Alaska may have been just as exciting of an adventure as moving away from Alaska. We packed all of our things in 2 weeks. Praise the Lord our crazy rickety trailer didn't sell so we would have something to put our things in for the shipping process. When we finally did leave Salem, we left on the day of the worst snowstorm the northwest has seen in 25 years. We don't like to do anything without a little thrill involved. After our 6 hour drive (it normally takes 2-3) to Seattle we relinquished our worldly possessions to Tote Cargo Company. I was delayed in Seattle for 2 days due to the storm. You will hear no complaint from me though because we got to have a longer visit with some awesome friends. I made it to Anchorage on the 22nd after all was said and done, and B headed off to California to train for his super cool new job.

February/March - B finishes his training comes home and we start the 2 month long house sitting hop. We house sat for three different families during this time. 3 weeks here, 2 there, 3 there, all whilst living out of a suit case. I was subbing at different schools in town, and B was getting to know his spiffy new job, both of us were getting re-accustomed to living in the Frozen North.

April - We moved into our new apartment finally this month, and I had a birthday. I've deleted the rest of this month from my memory. It was rough. Amen for Spring.

May - The grass is getting green, there are birds chirping, flowers are blossoming and baby moose and bears are making appearances. I have a green house that is going to be awesome and and job making coffee for tourists down town. I'm running a triathlon on Sunday. I may keel over because of it. I am so excited for summer. We're praying for a teaching job for me, and B is still loving his new one. I am so thankful to be here with our families and friends. What a journey.


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